2022 Returning Member Sign Up

Sign up for 2022 is now closed. Thank you so much for your interest! We are full for the season. Please do send an email to Dan at hunterhillcsa@gmail.com to be put on the waitlist. We will notify you if a share opens (if someone drops out, for instance). 

For the 2022 season, Tuesday farm pick up starts May 24th and runs through November 1st. Friday farm pick up starts May 27th and runs through November 4th. Mark your calendars!

For 2022, we plan to continue offering market-style pick up.

Returning Members make sure to look for emails from us! That will continue to be our primary mode of communication.
New Members When you sign up, you will be added to our distribution list. If you do not hear from us within a day or two, please check your spam folder for our correspondence/newsletter and direct it to your inbox.

How to sign up:


    After pressing SEND, please continue to the Payments page. →